The Beachcomber IOP

The Beachcomber IOP
The Beachcomber Outpatient Services is designed for those who cannot go to inpatient or residential treatment AND for those seeking aftercare for an inpatient program. The Beachcomber Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) is designed to expand on the thoughts and ideas which allowed our inpatient or residential program, The Beachcomber Family Center for Addiction Recovery, to build over 37 years of successfully treating those afflicted with alcoholism and drug addiction. This includes an emphasis on structure, discipline, hope, self-esteem, fun, and especially, the tools to stay sober after the IOP experience is completed.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Rapid Resolution Therapy

When you experience a traumatic event, it drills into your awareness and leaves a lasting impression that ripples through your psyche. These ripples occur even when the experience is finished , deeper parts of the mind may continue to respond as if it is still occurring. It is as if this deeper part of the mind has not gotten the good news, the news that the painful experience is finished. Even experiences that have been repressed or consciously forgotten can continue to exert a negative influence.
This may affect emotions, thinking, relationships, behavior and even health.
Rapid Resolution Therapy is a revolutionary psychotherapeutic approach to emotional and behavioral difficulties that eliminate the negative effect from past painful, confusing events & experiences, which are later remembered, repressed or forgotten. This is because troubling experiences from your past continue to haunt you. Dr. Jon Connelly is the founder and developer of Rapid Resolution Therapy and author of Life Changing Conversations – The Power of Transformational Communication. In his study to advance psychotherapeutics through RRT he has established a method which can prove incredibly beneficial after only one session.
Many times unconscious conflicts, which result in a blocking of desired changes, are pinpointed and resolved and the patient’s mind is organized and optimized crating dramatic improvements in feelings and behavior.
Not all traumatic events are horrifying or tragic. Sometimes traumatic experiences are often repressed. Past events exerting a negative effect can range from everyday experiences like harsh words from a parent or other authoritative figure, to the terrifying and traumatic experiences of rape, torture and war.
Rapid Resolution Therapy eliminates the negative emotional or behavioral influence of these traumatic events, whether these experiences are remembered, repressed or forgotten. It is not necessary to relive these past events or experience any pain, instead the mind is cleared, organized and optimized. There are dramatic improvements in thoughts, feelings and behavior.
Rapid Resolution Therapy has provided effective solutions to:
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Panic Attacks
  • Sexual Issues
  • Rage
  • Resentment
  • Insomnia
  • Grief
  • Jealousy
  • Compulsions/Obsessions
  • Social Anxiety
  • Phobias-Fears
  • Negative Habits
  • Addiction/Dependency
  • Low Self Esteem
  • Post-Traumatic Stress
  • Self-Destructive Behavior
  • Guilt/Shame
At the Beachcomber we use rapid resolution therapy as part of our treatment protocol.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Nutrition in recovery is important.

Andy Cobas was born in Medford, Oregon and resided in South Florida for most of his youth. He joins The Beachcomber with nearly twenty years of culinary experience. Accomplished in food preparation across a wide range of ethnic and regional cooking, Andy established his reputation with “home-style” meals. Since our Beachcomber menus are best described in exactly such terms he has quickly found popularity with residents, visitors and employees. His willingness to accommodate patients with special dietary requirements and his broad knowledge of appealing dishes has further advanced this important aspect of residential treatment. Appealing menus at the Beachcomber are legendary and often a key to long-term health in recovery according to former residents.

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Sunday, December 1, 2013

Beachcomber Yoga

To address the subject of Holistic Approach in human health is to undertake a long journey into recorded history. Ancient wisdom often centered on "balance" in nature and the importance of body, mind and spirit working in consort with existing environments. Early societies found it essential to adjust to nature in every way and entire cultures were built on "holistic," effects taking place around them.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Family Sessions

The family program includes an education session for all adults attending and will include a discussion on enabling and relapse prevention. Other topics will touch on understanding the physical, mental and spiritual effects of addiction on the entire family. There is also an opportunity for family members to speak with a counselor during the program. In addition, once a month, an outside speaker from Al-Anon is invited to speak to family members about their support organization.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

LGBTQ Therapy Sessions

The Beachcomber prides itself on creating an atmosphere of acceptance, free from judgment or prejudice. We understand that recovery can be a difficult time for anybody. The formation of group therapy sessions specialized for patients who are members of the LGBTQ community is just one more means to provide diverse, specialized treatment for all of our patients.
Members of the LGBTQ community often face discrimination, judgment or prejudice from much of society. This often prompts many gay or lesbian individuals to turn to substance abuse as a means of coping. Even worse, the fear of being judged will often discourage many from every seeking help for their addiction.
Specialized groups were therefore implemented for patients who felt more comfortable engaging in sessions with other members of the LGBT community. Our highly trained clinical staff engages in issues with substance abuse as well as LGBTQ specific concerns such as: cultural victimization, issues with coming out to society, as well as the impact of internalized feelings of shame and negative self-acceptance.                              
LGBTQ patients are included in our regular group therapy sessions as well as one on one meetings with licensed therapists. However they will additionally be given the option to participate in specialized groups that promote an environment that is accepting and affirming of their lifestyle. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Rapid Resolution Therapy

Many people afflicted with alcoholism or drug addiction have had major traumatic events in their lives.  Reliving the traumatic events often blocks the individual’s ability to do what is necessary to stay sober.  Rapid Trauma Resolution, or Rapid Resolution Therapy, eliminates the negative emotional or behavioral influence of traumatic events, whether these experiences are remembered, repressed or forgotten.

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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Life Therapy

The Beachcomber understands the struggle of the recovering alcoholic or addict. We understand the difficulty of managing your thoughts and anxieties while going through recovery. That is why we now offer a new and exciting therapeutic method known as Life Therapy. It is a new and innovative method to help those in recovery live a little easier.

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The Beachcmber Faily Sessions

The Beachcomber Outpatient Family Program is available to all clients and their families while in treatment. Group and individual discussion and education focuses on understanding the impact of alcoholism and drug abuse on the individual and their family, learning the effects of healthy communication, and introduction to 12-Step philosophy for the fami

Don't  worry we can help. Visit our website

Your not alone, Our counselors have bee there. Been there done that. Here to help you today. Everyone is anoanaius.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Toothbrush Therapy to stay Sober

Recovery gives us the freedom to define our higher power and to pray and meditate in any way that is helpful and meaningful to us. Many use traditional religious concepts and many don't. For instance, one person might define their higher power as their AA group. They may define prayer and meditation as reaching out to group members to get or give support, thus increasing their conscious contact. Another member may have a more religious view and find traditional prayer and meditation as the most helpful means to them of improving their conscious contact with their Higher Power. Another may consider spending time out in the woods in quiet reflection, communing with nature, as their form of prayer and meditation. In all cases we find a direct way to stay in contact with and listen to our Higher Power.

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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Beachcomber Legacy

When James Bryan founded the Beachcomber in 1976, he had one mission. With the support of his staff he set out to help those who suffered with the pain of alcohol and drug addiction. And the Beachcomber has come a long way since then. Almost forty years later our facility continues to operate with the same efficiency and compassion that Jim Bryan originally envisioned. Only now we have expanded our facilities and resources in order to help those in need. The Beachcomber now offers outpatient services to all clients who seek treatment. With an emphasis on holistic treatment and structure, the beachcomber outpatient services give you the tools you will need to stay sober. 


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Beachcomber Outpatient Services

The Beachcomber Outpatient Services is designed for those who cannot go to inpatient or residential treatment AND for those seeking aftercare for an inpatient program.  The Beachcomber Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) is designed to expand on the thoughts and ideas which allowed our inpatient or residential program, The Beachcomber Family Center for Addiction Recovery, to build over 37 years of successfully treating those afflicted with alcoholism and drug addiction. This includes an emphasis on structure, discipline, hope, self-esteem, fun, and especially, the tools to stay sober after the IOP experience is completed.

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 The Beachcomber Outpatient