The Beachcomber IOP

The Beachcomber IOP
The Beachcomber Outpatient Services is designed for those who cannot go to inpatient or residential treatment AND for those seeking aftercare for an inpatient program. The Beachcomber Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) is designed to expand on the thoughts and ideas which allowed our inpatient or residential program, The Beachcomber Family Center for Addiction Recovery, to build over 37 years of successfully treating those afflicted with alcoholism and drug addiction. This includes an emphasis on structure, discipline, hope, self-esteem, fun, and especially, the tools to stay sober after the IOP experience is completed.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Draw Open The Shade

                 KJ Foster

Draw open the shade   
Face the days I have made
The sun burning bright
Stinging pain from the light

As I open my eyes
No more places to hide
Every moment alive
Stir up feelings inside
A trusting friend to confide
It all

Released from my fall
I continue to stand tall
Love is the power of change within us all

It’s time to begin
Soul searching within
Time to begin
  Letting go of the sin

Draw up the shade
Face the days I have made
The sun burning bright

Stinging pain from the light

Thursday, February 20, 2014

The River Speaks

Akin to the cells that form your body,
Innumerable droplets of rain wed to
Give me life and vigor.
You didn’t hear my adolescent babble,
As I awkwardly stumbled over rocks and
Stones making my way to the mature,
Quiet flow of this welcoming valley.

The path I have chosen was charted
Millions of days ago,
Carved by my ancestors through
Canyon walls, as they laid a bed of
Silt and sand, stones, rocks,
And mighty boulders.

But here in the peaceful valley
You hear only the quiet flow,
Punctuated by occasional cascades
That crush my watery heart.
It is here at my side that you ponder
Both time and eternity in the length of
My days and the passing of yours.
For we both experience pain from
Obstacles placed in our paths,
As well as the joy of a carefree heart.

I see you there, perched on a rock, smiling
As the midday sun warms my glistening skin.
You wonder whence I come and even
More profoundly where I go –
Mysteries that lay deep within my soul,
As they also lay deep within your own.

Come closer my friend,
For I wish to whisper in your ear.
Leave the rock and come to my bank.
Touch my flow with a primordial yearning
That recalls the watery womb that bore you.
You are safe here, as you were there.
And remember this moment, as life
Beckons you on.  It will comfort you
In moments of distress, for it reveals
The Alpha and the Omega,
The love of the Infinite One
That makes it all happen.

This indeed has been a cherished moment
In the passing of our days.
I glimmer in your eyes once more,
And I journey on, as you must too,
My friend.

James K. Bogert

Santa Cruz, NM

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Fly blackbird fly

KJ Foster

Fly blackbird fly
Turn your wings toward the sky
Time is ever precious
Each moment that passes by

Goodbye little one    
Your work here is done
A new season has begun

Soaring high, soaring low
You know which way to go
Seek comfort in the sun
More will follow one by one

Heaven and earth are in your eyes
The horizon has you hypnotized
 Relax and enjoy the view
There is beauty all around you

Fly blackbird fly
Turn your wings toward the sky
Soar high toward the sun   
Your work here is done

A new season hasbegun

Monday, February 17, 2014

Spiritual Intimacy

Akin to the stately oaks that mark their age by rings of growth,

As the roots of friendship sink deeper into the soil of love,

Its branches reach further upward to embrace the heavens.

Love can be as clear as the noon-time sun,

Yet mysterious as the midnight darkness.

Love gives meaning to life, yet always searches deeper,

Fulfilling, yet yearning - both a comfort and an ache -

A portal to the inner life of God,

Healing the soul in its blessed embrace.

James K. Bogert

Santa Fe - 2012

Sunday, February 16, 2014

I Can't Stop Crying

I can't stop crying thinking of you dying
This pain in my heart is tearing me apart
What have I done my beautiful son

Feels like only yesterday your life had just begun
Precocious and so smart
Gifted from the very start
On stage your star burned bright
Guided by an inner light
Your future seemed certain delight

Then darkness came to call and took away it all
spiraling down a hole your addiction took control
Body, mind and soul

I can't live in the why, the when or the who
It doesn't help me and it doesn't help you
There's nothing I can do
It's all up to you

The more that I try
I assist you to die
I love you so
I want you to know
I'd lay down my life
to make it alright
To see you get well
Not living this hell

I can't stop crying thinking of you dying
This pain in my heart is tearing me apart
What have I done to my beautiful son
Feels like only yesterday your life had just begun   

 September 18, 2009

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Peace by James K. Bogert


          For everything we desire in life, we must give up something else.  What is the price we are willing to pay for peace?
          Some of us dream of running off to a desert island, leaving behind all our trials, woes and poor me”s”; but we cannot find peace by running away from life in some geographical fantasy.  Others of us are willing to let the world have its way with us.  We acquiesce to others’ demands, manipulations, and even rumors in order to avoid conflict and confrontation.  But even when we carefully choose our issues, the avoidance of “trouble” does not result in peace.
          Where, then, can we find peace?  The source of our peace lies within.  It is an inner strength that transcends the circumstances of our lives.  Peace is found within or it is not found at all.  When acceptance becomes more important than honesty, we have sacrificed our integrity.  Somehow our egos always have a seductive way of governing our behavior, leaving us feel compromised, empty, and alone.
          On the other hand, we are so used to going after what we want that even peace becomes a quest.  It is a surprise to discover that peace comes, not as a result of what we can get hold of, but a result of letting go - letting go of the illusion that we ultimately control our lives and the lives of others - that by controlling the image we present to the world, we can control what others think of us, or even what they do.
          Certainly, we make decisions and choices about what we will or will not do, but in final analysis we are not in control of the outcome.  If we can learn to get out of our own way, we have a chance at peace.  Our ego-driven willfulness does violence to the peace that would be ours if only we would let go of our preoccupation.
          Peace does not come from the removal of external problems, but rather from the realization that the problems are temporal, while our inner self participates in eternity and lives with the Infinite, who is always with us through our trials and tribulations.

James K. Bogert